AVRO ‘Kunstuur’ with guests: Carel Kraayenhof & Juan Pablo Dobal

Do you want to know the artists that are current in Holland? Where the best exhibitions are? What your neighbor has hanging above the couch? Who will win the Architectonic price ‘De Gouden Piramide’? In Kunstuur you’ll see everything on Art, design, and architecture. In this season there will be beautiful shows to watch. In Kunstuur from April 14th to the 9th of June a program named ‘Art Tracks will show you how known-musicians pick a piece of art and make a composition of it. Carel Kraayenhof & Juan Pablo Dobal will also be guests in one of the broadcasts. We’ve already finished the part where Carel Kraayenhof & Juan Pablo Dobal pick their piece of art in museum Booijmans Van Beuningen. Kunstuur, every Saturday, from 17.00 to 18.00 on Ned. 2. The replay can be watched on every Saturday at 10.20.

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