Warm welcome by Beijing and Xi’an for Carel Kraayenhof
Carel Kraayenhof is back after his two concerts in Xi’an and Beijing on behalf of the victims of the earthquake in China. Invited by the ‘Europe China Foundation’ and by the Chinese departments of Health and of Culture, Kraayenhof gave two concerts together with a number of national and international artists like AlanSwoffer, Ben Mitchel and Passionate (UK), Dejan Lazic (Germany), Shadow and Jackie Chan (China), Petra Berger and Bert Balkenende (Neth.) and many others.
On 30 July the first concert took place in the beautiful ‘Tang Paradise Theatre’ in Xi’an and on 3 August the second one in the ‘Great Hall of People’ in Beijing. Here Carel was accompanied by the magnificent ‘Chinese National Opera House Orchestra’, with the passionate conductor Eric Lederhandler. He played ‘Milonga del Angel’ and ‘Adios Nonino’ by Astor Piazzolla.Both concerts have been recorded by CCTV, the national broadcasting corporation of China. The proceeds of the ticketsale as well as those of the sale of the televisionrights will be to the benefit of the victims of the earthquake.
Benefitconcerts for earthquakevictims.
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