News letter – September
Dear friends and relations,
Dancing on Sexteto Canyengue in Groningen
Sexteto Canyengue 25 years!
This year on 28 September we will perform on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the ‘Stichting (Foundation) Tango Argentina Groningen’ (STAG). In 2013 this foundation will exist twenty years and is not dependant on dancing-schools, locations or economic interests. She belongs to and is for all tango-dancers and has as an objective to promote the tango in different ways and keep alive a nice and various tango-climate in Groningen on a short and long term. ‘He who has birthday treats, so send us an e-mail before 27 September with the name of the ‘Godfather’ of Sexteto Canyengue and get a chance on 1×2 free tickets.
Carel Kraayenhof and the Dutch Symphony Orchestra
After the premiere on 30 April of Carel’s composition ‘Suite Compasion’ in an arrangement of Carel himself and Tom Trapp with the Residentie Orchestra, now we will have on 3 October in Enschede the premiere of his composition ‘Bamestra’ in an arrangement of Sylvia Maes. Besides this composition especially dedicated to the Beemster Carel will play with guitarist Izhar Elias the beautiful concert for bandoneon and guitar: ‘Hommage à Liège’ by Astor Piazzolla. We can offer for this concert 2×2 free tickets. You only have to finish this slogan: ‘I love Carel’s music because ……….’
Email this sentence to us before 27 September. We will also by e-mail inform you about the winners.
Sexteto Canyengue 25 years!
In this special year Sexteto Canyengue will give a special benefit-concert and dancing-night on 29 September in Engelen near Den Bosch (see information below). We are happy that Leo Vervelde, co-founder of the sextet in 1988 (!), will come and play a few tangos with us. The benefits will go to the bandoneonists in Jujuy, Argentina.
So a double feast!
Bandoneons for Jujuy
For our project ‘Bandoneons for Jujuy’ we collected money in the past year to a total of €20.588,00, especially thanks to a big donation of the ‘Foundation Chicos por el tango’, which is linked to the tango-school ‘El Fuego’ of Wolter and Nettie van Klompenburg from Den Bosch.
On Sunday 29 September Sexteto Canyengue will give in cooperation with this tango-school a benefit-concert and dancing-night in ‘De Burcht’ in Engelen. Especially for El Fuego Carel composed the new milonga ‘El fuego del fueye’ (‘The fire of the bandoneon’), which will be performed on this evening for the first time especially for this tango-school.
All revenues of that day will be donated to this project. All musicians, dancers and co-workers join in free of charge this day to collect an amount as high as possible. For more information see our website.
Kraayenhof Tango Ensemble to the Dutch Antilles
Between 1 and 10 November KTE will give concerts and school-concerts on Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire. More info about this in our next newsletter.
Concerts to come
3 Oct. Carel solo in Deventer with the Dutch Symphony Orchestra
5 Oct. Duo Kraayenhof – Dobal: Tango-dinner with dance in Château Heemskerk
11 Oct. Duo: Ottersum – concert –
16 Oct. Duo: Schijndel – concert – sold out
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