Benefit-concert for bandoneon in Jujuy

In the past year Carel and Thirza started a cooperation with ‘Foundation Chicos por el Tango’ in Engelen for the preservation of the bandoneon in Argentina. Too many instruments disappear from Argentina, because tourists take them as souvenirs. Carel and Thirza together with local people are trying to get as many instruments as possible back to Argentina. Because of this  deprived young people can learn a profession. Also will be taken care of maintenance and reparation of these instruments. And so we can keep enjoying the Tango WITH the bandoneon and help creating a better future for these youngsters. At this moment already €20.000 has been collected!

Some time ago one could enjoy the documentary ‘El Sonido del Bandoneon’. In this documentary the project is explained even better than we possibly can describe on this page.


29 September 2013


From 13.30 the Belgian dance-couple Sonja and Sven will provide a workshop in Engelen with the theme: ‘Surprising giro-variations in Tangovals’.

From 14.45 the next workshop with the theme: ‘Different colours and tasts of Boleos’.

From 16.00 salon with deejay Nettie and life music by Carel Kraayenhof y su Sexteto Canyengue and a performance of Sonja and Sven.

Round 16.45 Addy van den Krommenacker will open the festival.

Round 18.00 Liz Snoyink will announce the provisional proceeds by means of handing over a cheque to Carel Kraayenhof.


In between you can have a little bite in the café of ‘De Engelenburcht’. De Engelenburcht will donate part of the sales of drinks and food to the street children.

At the box-office and during the salon you can buy lottery-tickets for nice ‘tango-prizes’, all donated for the good cause.


Tangotacion will be present with beautiful Agentinian shoes.


You can order tickets in the advance sale for € 13,50. This advance sale will only apply if the amounts due are actually added to the giro account of the foundation. Booking tickets is NOT possible!

At the box-office tickets cost € 15,-.


Tickets ordered (and paid for) in the advance sale will be put aside by name at the box-office.


Advanced sale for this day via e-mail:

Giro 3054330 Stichting Tango por los Chicos.


In case you should want to make a donation for this project you may pay your contribution on: Stichting Clavel Rojo, bank-account: in The Hague, stating project Jujuy.

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