News Letter January
Dear friends and colleagues,
It’s time to snuggle by the fireplace and read a good book or watch a good movie with a cup of tea. You can also listen to the radio; for example to the programs in which Carel was a guest of in the past month. Here you can listen to all five days in the past week in which Carel introduced some of his favorite songs in the radio program ‘Muziekwijzer’. Here is the link: (copy the link to your web browser) to the broadcast of ‘Opium’, which Carel and Lavinia were guests. The featuring guest of the program was the actor Pierre, please copy in your web browser
Do not feel like listening to the radio but want to read a nice article? Then get this month’s magazine ‘Nouveau’, with an interview with Carel and Thirza and beautiful photos by Casper Rila.
photo: caper Rila
Of course you can also choose to listen to some of our different concerts on the coming weeks. For example in Zaandam, Moordrecht, Noordwijk, Ede and Utrecht, among others. For more information see our agenda.
’30!’ Premieres in April 2018
Following our last newsletter, in which we asked you to email us your memories of Carel’s concerts, we have received quite a lot of great stories. All these pieces are very inspiring when composing this new theater concert. Keep sending them to Do not forget to include your name and address.
Warm regards,
Carel and Thirza
photo Carlien Sikkenk
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