De Meerse on location in Hoofddorp.
Pay attention that you come to the correct address next Sunday if you want to attend our show in Hoofddorp!Theatre De Meerse can temporarely be found in the Johan Enschedelaan 1 in Hoofddorp, instead of at the Raadhuisplein.Sunday will take place the last performance of Compassion in the first period. We will start again in the end of February 2010 in Dordrecht.
Might you be looking for a good book as a Saint Nicolas-present, then we advise you to buy ‘Papa Tango’ by Maria Boonzaaijer. Editor: Sirene……. Since the death of her mother the famous soprano Marisa Grande suffers from a voice-blockade. Desillusioned she decides to leave Amsterdam for a while. In a dream the old favourite tango of her father takes possession of her. The song tempts her to travel to Argentina to look for the traces of her Argentinian father, a famous tango-singer, who left for Buenos Aires twenty years ago with her younger sister Vicky ……
Temporary other address for De Meerse.
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