Telegraaf Christmasconcert ‘Christmasgreetings to the social workers’ with Kraayenhof Tango Ensemble


Monday 17 December. The concert begins at 14:00 in the cathedral at the Bottemanneplein 146 in Haarlem

Broadcast: Tuesday 25 December 2012 13:20, Nederland 1, Broadcasting Corporation MAX

It is going to be a festive christmas-afternoon with among others the Dutch Police Orchestra, Carel Kraayenhof, Frans Bauer, lady-singer Glennis Grace, Voice of Holland-winner Iris Kroes, operasinger Francis van Zandhuizen and the rising talents Marjet van den Brand and Michael Wilmering. The members of the Haarlem Schoolchoir will let you sing along Christmassongs with them.

The christmas-concert is the start of our actionweek CHRISTMAS-GREETINGS TO THE SOCIAL WORKERS. The Telegraaf dedicates the week to the firemen, policemen and ambulanceworkers who too often have to do their work under incredible circumstances. Regularly they are being threatened while helping other people who are in need.

Minister Ivo Opstelten (Safety and Justice) will deliver the christmas-lecture, Pieter van Vollenhove will present the medal named after him and columnist prof. dr. Bob Smalhout will provide a spoken column. From the proceeds of our Tele-Puzzle De Telegraaf will donate a considerable amount to the foundation Help for Social Workers, the main beneficiary of this year. Also the Foundation Interplast Holland and the Foundation Ambulance Wish Nederland will receive a part of it.

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